Post-War Modern Art and Photography by American & European Artists

Glasso Ross is being launched to represent artists in-depth by using our curatorial, editorial and promotional resources. We are equipped to vet and document the artist's work extensively. We further aim to promote our artists' work to private collectors and institutions, regularly, on a monthly basis, and that's why our initial selection of artists will be limited to 10. As our resources will expand we will open the gallery to more and newer artists.

During the summer months of July and August the art world rests. This summer pause gives everyone to take a breather. We will, as well. 

By limiting our initial list of artists to 10 of the best to-date at it helps keep us focused and more resilient to serve every interested party, from artist to collector.

We anticipate that we will expand to representing 10 artists over the coming 12 months. Conversely, our promotion efforts including this website will also expand and grow. We invite you to take part and benefit from our growth.  

We are proud to lunch with the side-by-side offering of a father and son team: the creative talents behind 7 mediums, the modernist works of Chaim Goldberg, a listed artist of Polish, Israeli and American roots: CHAIM GOLDBBERG and his son TED GLASSO (founder of this gallery) also of Polish, Israeli and American roots whose focus has also been as a  photographer since 1969. Ted is also a published author and an art historian, covering his father's work. Now he will do the same for other select artists within the framework of Glasso Ross.

As an artist or photographer we invite artist's submissions to be sent in by email, or link. We will especially consider those artists who are in their mid-career (or advanced stage as well). Glasso Ross will only consider representing artists who create daily and consistently. If you believe that your works are the best "out there" and have at least 100 paintings, or works in any media you are ready to show us please don't hesitate and drop us a note to:

Thank you so much for your good thoughts and we look forward to hearing from you.

Ted Glasso